Englishslot outing~~

on our last meeting, we agreed to have an outing together. so on 3rd of september, we went to alamanda...
the birthday girl, shezy shez
dinner at kfc...
fingers licking good... hehe...
one of my senior dj, ju jin
our manager, double dshez and her cousin,lu lu~~the cake girl, aggie and fatin...the 4bday guys and girls : zeth, shez, melon and chadsurprise!!! happy birthday!!!
the bday guys and gals are happy... hehe...
fatin's mom delicious chocolate cake!!! yummy!!!let the cake smashing begins!!!gotcha!!! hahaha...fatin merajuk~~ hehe...even the manager gets it... hahaha...shez and danny...both my seniors, ju jin and shez...i get it too, thx lulu... me and shez...bday gal, melon...hulala~~ punk gets it all... chou and fatty are jealous... hahaha...da geng...lets bowling!!!lulu~~ju jin~~my bowling team!!! go go go!!!shez rox it...fatin shooting ju jin? hahaha...
we had so much fun that nite... fatty and i was glad that we managed to organise this event successfully... i also wish to thank fatin and also others for helping me out alot in organising this fatin... THX!!! i am looking forward for more outings in the future... hehe... love, bonnie ^^...